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Gator Youth Football & Cheer

Gator Youth Football

TACKLE FOOTBALL: ages 7-14 years old

FLAG FOOTBALL:  ages 5-6

Gator Youth Football is a member of the West Jersey Youth Football League. Football promotes physical fitness as well as confidence, teamwork and fun. 
Safety is the No. 1 priority of our football program. Coaches work closely with all of the athletes to ensure adequate conditioning, intense practices and proper techniques are learned and used at all times. 

We are able to keep registration fees low with help from our generous sponsors and fundraising support. The registration fee for 2023 is $90 for Flag Football and $165 for tackle which includes all fundraising fees. GYFC provides most of the equipment your player will need to safely play football. Players only need to purchase football jersey, cleats and a cup. The vendor will send an email to the families at the email address provided during registration.

NO RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS- To ensure that participating youth are afforded the best opportunities, GYFC will refer all Gateway Regional High School students to the high school coach for eligibility review. Children who are not eligible or able to cheer at Gateway Regional High School may be allowed to participate if all other eligibility requirements are met.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: All football athletes must provide the following printed documents
1. A copy of the athlete's birth certificate
2. League waiver signed by athlete and parent/guardian
3. VARSITY ONLY: a  copy of last years report card or their 2022 class schedule showing their grade. 

Practice Information
Practice begins in August for all squads at GYFC field.

Practice Schedule: ALL teams will practice four to five days per week. After school begins the squad's Head Coach may adjust your teams practice schedule to accommodate players school schedule. 

Practice Attire:  Players should wear football shoes, shorts and a t-shirt for the first two weeks of practice (conditioning). Uniforms and equipment distribution will be scheduled for each squad. Head coaches will share with players/parents when partial and full practice equipment should be worn. When players are asked to wear pads please be sure your player has an over-sized t-shirt to fit over their shoulder pads. All players should bring extra bottled water or a sports drink with them to every practice and game.

Practice Location: All practices occur at the GYCF home field located at 899 Almonesson Road in Westville, NJ. Alternative practice locations may be announced in the event of inclement weather. It is up to each squad's head coach to secure alternative practice locations.

Practice Cancellations: Practices are rarely cancelled due to rain. However, if LIGHTNING occurs, practice MAY be suspended for 30 minutes from the last lightning occurrence. Practice cancellation will be determined by the football and cheer squad coaches.  GYFC staff will remain with the children until every child has been picked up. If thunderstorms/severe weather is in the forecast on practice days, please be prepared to pick up your child early, in the event practice gets cancelled. If practice should be cancelled for any other reason, the unit director and/or the head coaches will communicate the cancellation. A representative of the GYFC will be at the field to inform parents of the situation.

VOLUNTEER: We need every family's support to help our organization run well. Each athlete's family is required to participate in 2 assigned volunteer activities each season per athlete registered. Note: All athlete’s family will be assigned a volunteer activity. The assigned volunteer activity will be posted at the field and on the website. It is the family's responsibility to ensure that someone completes the assigned volunteer activity. The athletes account will be assessed a $75 fee for each volunteer activity not completed and the athlete will not be able to participate until it is paid. If the family cannot complete the activity as assigned it is their responsibility to find someone else to switch with or complete the activity. 

Registration Listing

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